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Application to act as an Approved Training Provider

Type of Application

APPLICANT BASIC INFORMATION (who should be responsible of maintaining Quality Assurance Manual)

This Applicant Will Be The Focal Person For Any Matters Related To Approval To Act As A THIRD-PARTY INSPECTION AGENCY For Lifting Equipment

Third Party Inspection Agency Basic Information

Managing Director Details

Level of Category of Training Courses Provided / HSE-Related Consultancy Services

Training Premises & Facilities Information

List of Training Course(s) Offered

Name of Training Course Standard Followed
(if any)
Mode of Delivery
(No of Days)
Medium of Instruction
Accreditation or Certifications (if any) Maximum participant no. per Course session Upload Course Information & Objectives Upload Course Lesson Plan/ Timetable/ Schedule of Course Delivery Upload Lecture Notes used to deliver the course Upload Assessment used for this course

Details of Trainer

Full Name Passport / Identity Card No.
Date of Birth Qualification Mode of employment with your training provider No. of Years & Months of Working Experience (in total) No. of Years & Months working in health & Safety Profession (if any)
Highest Academic Qualification Teaching Qualification
(i.e. Train the Trainer Cert)

Details of Assessor

Full Name Passport / Identity Card No.
Date of Birth Qualification Mode of employment with your training provider No. of Years & Months of Working Experience (in total) No. of Years & Months working in health & Safety Profession (if any)
Highest Academic Qualification Assessing Qualification
(i.e. Train the Trainer Cert)

Details of Verifier

Full Name Passport / Identity Card No.
Date of Birth Qualification Mode of employment with your training provider No. of Years & Months of Working Experience (in total) No. of Years & Months working in health & Safety Profession (if any)
Highest Academic Qualification Assessing Qualification
(i.e. Train the Trainer Cert)

Supporting Documents

A. Business Profile

Documents to be uploaded

B. Evaluation & Certificate

C. Training Expenses, Facilities and Equipment

D. Emergency Procedures

I, declare that all particulars and information provided in this application and the documents attached hereto are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I understand that the Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA) reserves the right to reject this application if, at any stage, the information provided is false and incorrect. Should verification be required on any information provided in this application, I hereby authorise SHENA to carry out the necessary investigations.

Declaration of Complainant

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