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World Day for Safety and Health at Work (WDSHW) 2022 Calendar of Events


11 April 2022

The Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA) will be organising events and activities in conjunction with the World Day for Safety and Health at Work (WDSHW) 2022 which will be commemorated on 28 April 2022.


  • Live Webinar 1: Build a Positive Safety and Health Culture on 21st April 2022 at 9:00 am and please RSVP at
  • Launching of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work (WDSHW) 2022 on 28th April 2022
  • Majlis Doa Kesyukuran dan Solat Zuhor Berjemaah on 28th April 2022
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to Underprivileged Families on 28th April 2022